Friday, October 30, 2009

Continental Drift, 2009
clothing labels and embroidery floss on organza
9' x 19'

These ephemeral land masses represent a snapshot of the post-industrial textile landscape in our closets. Here, one very specific collection of clothing labels donated at SubRosa's installation for the Interventionists exhibition at MASS MOCA in Western Massachusetts (2004), is reconfigured in Continental Drift revealing a geography shaped by politics, resources, fashion, and quotas. The size of each country is determined by the exact number of labels collected (and sent to me) during the run of the show at MASS MOCA. The map’s magnetic pole, latitudes, and longitudes emanate from the northeastern United States where they were collected.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In the Folds

In the Folds, 2008

hand embroidery, applique, and beading on wool felt, cotton

72” x 29”

In the Folds tells the story Pa Shaw Pah told me about her escape from persecution in Burma, the refugee camp in Thailand and the hardships of starting a new life in Pittsburgh. Traditional Karen protective tattoo patterns of elaborate, oval, symmetrical Buddhist designs worn by her ethnic group merge here with the cartoon characters her toddler son absorbs on TV in Pittsburgh and the housekeeping cart that she wields each day in a local hotel. Jewish Children and Family Services have assisted in her settlement and commissioned the piece. The Hebrew letters spell out the guiding torah passage for their work: “Justice, Justice, you shall pursue.”(Deuteronomy16:20)

Psyche's Secret at Mattress Factory

Psyche’s Secret

rice, bulgur, couscous, poppy seed

9’ x 11’


Oozing in from the window, loopy, graffitiesque letters spell out the words, “someone is helping you.” Inspired by the story of Cupid and Psyche, Psyche’s Secret, the installation references tasks that Venus designed to foil Psyche. Just when she was about to despair the impossibility of separating a mountain of grains, an army of ants offered to come to her aid. I find Venus’ words of retort strangely comforting. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fruit for All Seasons, 2008

orange rinds, styrofoam peanuts, stitched with embroidery thread


Check out this review: Wendy Osher at Fe Gallery

Monday, October 20, 2008


 The Children's Museum of PIttsburgh

Sept 19th-Jan 18th, 2009

Pittsburghers are so lucky to have vast, beautiful city parks. But there are bullies on the loose in our woods! Invasive vines and trees threaten to squeeze the life out of the huge variety of plants and trees that nature has evolved over thousands of years. We appreciate and use the parks in many ways, but our presence has caused that healthy balance in the woods to tip. Sit inside this tangle of vines, view the changing skies above, and listen to the sounds of our parks. How many different things can you hear? How can we keep our woods strong and continue to enjoy their many wonders?